With this in mind, though, it definitely seems that the mere presence of wicked Edomites and Zealots in the Temple is not enough. We need to have a cessation of real sacrifices and an execution of fake ones. And of course, that is exactly what happened in the New Covenant. With the death of Christ, the sacrificial system came to an end. The abomination of desolation offered after the cross were potential abominations.
Incorrect worship is idolatrous worship. When the Jews turned down Jesus and kept offering sacrifices, they were taken part in idolatry. This was the “wing of abominations” that occurred in the Temple. It is why the Temple was ultimately ruined. The particular desecration that occurred was the massacre of converted Jews that took place just before A.D. 70, as prophesied in the book of Revelation. It was the blood of those saints that Jerusalem was made to drink to her own damage.
Antiochus Epiphanes set up an idol in the Temple to be worshiped by the Jews, but the Antichrist will set himself up as God and demand worship from all humanity. He will end all sacrifice in the Temple and commit the abomination that makes the sanctuary desecrated and desolate, a location entirely detestable to Jews.
The apocryphal books of 1 and 2 Maccabees strongly portray the time of Antiochus and the Jews’ zealous resistance to his ruthless and sacrilegious tyranny. He butchered countless Jewish guys, sold many of their wives and kids into slavery, and tried to completely wipe out the Jewish religion. He desecrated the Temple by sacrificing a pig, the most ceremonially unclean of all animals, on the altar and requiring the priests to eat its flesh. He then set up in the Temple an idol of Zeus, the pagan divine being he fancied himself as manifesting. That terrible defilement by Antiochus was a preview of the even higher abomination of desolation to be committed by the Antichrist in the end time.
Now we come to the declaration that “on the wing of detestable things, or abominations, comes one who makes desolate, even until a total damage, one that is decreed, is poured out on the one who makes desolate. In the past, You have taken the wing as a referral to the eagle, and hence jointly to Edom and Rome, both of whom are represented by the eagle in the Old Testament. The Romans and Idumeans together handled to ruin the Temple. The Idumeans (Edomites) got into the Temple and filled it with human blood. The Romans sacked it. You understood the last phrases of the verse to be saying that in time the Romans would likewise be destroyed.
Abomination signifies an item of disgust, repulsion, and abhorrence. In Scripture it is utilized primarily to denote things related to idolatry and gross ungodliness. The Hebrew equivalent was frequently used of rites and stuff connected with the wicked conduct of pagan religious beliefs. In the book of Revelation it is utilized to represent the immoralities and spiritual uncleanness of the incorrect religious system referred to as “Babylon the fantastic, the mother of harlots. In the brand-new paradise and brand-new earth there will be absolutely nothing dirty and no one who practices abominations and lying.
The idea all people are equal is one to which any affordable individual will provide psychological assent. However when we comprehend that Jesus has actually removed our embarassment, and that because of this we have nothing left to hide, absolutely nothing left to fear, and absolutely nothing delegated prove, we really own the notion that every person is equal. To the degree we’re able to internalize the liberty Jesus has actually secured for us, our energies move from preoccupation with self to preoccupation with the beauty of God and the thriving of our neighbor.
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